The IEDC VAST TC Kilimanoor organized an editing competition for first year students to encouraging their creativity .The competition was conducted on 12/11/2022-18/11/2022.The
event was conducted on online platform. The participants have uploaded their videos in the GoogledriveLink: WdX2SBXPzqxynSreseawWjHaWIIAaH.19 students have participated in this program.Movie
& television industry employs students in classes that develop knowledge and skills indocument, reasoning, manufacture, and editing for movie and television outlets. Students
learn the art of cinematic storytelling, picture design, and voice writing along with sophisticated post-production techniques and strategies within the wider area of film and television industry.
By organising a video editing program for students we encourage their creativity in order to develop their skills for editing videos in a creative way and showcase their skills. The program
was completely conducted online through Google forms and Google drive.The first prize was awarded to Mubarackali Hashimudee from first semester computer
science and the second prize was awarded to Adwaith sinu from first semester ECE.Principal Dr. T. Mathavaraj Ravikumar distributed the prizes to the winners.